Upon plan cancellation, access to exclusive content and VIP status will be lost.
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You must have an active subscription to enjoy all the benefits associated with each plan and maintain your VIP status.
If you cancel your subscription, you will forfeit any Reward Points you have earned, and you will lose access to exclusive content and your VIP status.
There are no hidden fees and no obligations: you can cancel at any time!
Best Value
Vendor Directory Free Listing
Get listed on our directory for free!
Valid until canceled
"Featured Vendor" Badge under your account name!
Featured Vendor FREE Listing on our Online Vendor Directory
Featured Vendor FREE Listing on our In-Store Vendor Board
Access to Vendors-Only Community Hub (Private group)
Annual Vendor Recognition Award
Best Value
Vendor Directory Premium Listing
Every month
Project sponsor and community supporter!
Valid until canceled
"Sponsor Vendor" Badge under your account name!
"Sponsor" Vendor Highlighted Listing on Vendor Directory
"Sponsor" Vendor Highlighted Listing on Vendor Board
Access to Vendors-Only Community Hub (Private group)
Annual "Sponsor Vendor" Award for Vendor Recognition
15% Discounted Price of Printed Version of Vendor Directory
15% Off of all Online Purchases from The 'M' Cave Website
Best Value
Vendor Directory Collaborator
Every month
Join the effort and collaborate with us to create something beautiful!
Valid until canceled
"Directory Collaborator" Badge under your account name!
"Collaborator" Highlighted Listing on Vendor Directory
"Collaborator" Highlighted Listing on Vendor Board
Access to Vendors-Only Community Hub (Private group)
Engraved "Collaborator Vendor" Plaque for Vendor Recognition
25% Discounted Price of Printed Version of Vendor Directory
25% Off of all Online Purchases from The 'M' Cave Website
Best Value
Clover-Go Merchant Account Add-on
Accept Credit Cards at your location with a Merchant Account, offered by The M Cave! Offer convenience to your customers and never lose a sale again!
Valid until canceled
FREE Account Setup
Clover-Go device Included - No contracts - No hidden fees!
Turn your smartphone into a powerful processing terminal
Pass your processing fees to your customers (optional).
Next-Day deposits. Same-Day deposits available on-demand.
No cancellation fees, no commitments - Cancel anytime!
Chip Card Reader, Swipe, Tap & Go, Apple Pay
Email and Text Receipts
Detailed Transaction Reports
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